
The Provincial Network on Developmental Services includes:

Community Living Ontario

We assist people who have an intellectual disability and their families to lead the way in advancing inclusion in their own lives and communities.

CLO’s membership is comprised of the 100+ local associations who support CLO’s work and human rights-based values, mission, vision, and goal. CLO has 16 Board of Directors members.

The Board of Directors meetings held 4 times per year.

Standing Sub-Committees:
PEDG, PEDCC, Family Steering Committee Council, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Youth Advisory Committee, Board Engagement, Board Development, Finance, Nominations, Inspired by our Grassroots.

Jo-Anne Demick, Director of Stakeholder Relations

Provincial Executive Directors Group (PEDG)

We act as an organized provincial voice for Executive Directors and service agencies, and function as a support group by sharing information on the structure, activities, and plans of local associations.

The PEDG’s members are Executive Directors of organizational affiliates of Community Living Ontario.

The PEDG AGM is held annually in September.

Standing Sub-Committees:
Provincial Executive Directors Coordinating Committee

Sherri Kroll, Chair

Ontario Agencies Supporting Individuals with Special Needs (OASIS)

We are strong, viable, accountable agencies who have the resources and professional competencies to provide quality support and service to people with special needs.

OASIS provides leadership through sharing ideas, information and knowledge, and interacts with government and other organizations on issues affecting its members. Its members are developmental service organizations across the province of Ontario.

The members’ conference is held annually.

Standing Sub-Committees:
Government Relations, Children’s Committee, Communications, Education, Housing, Labour Relations, OASIS Business Resource Committee, Provincial Network Committee, Sector Compensation, Sensory Partners.


Contact: Administrative Support

Executive Coordinator

Specialized Clinical Developmental Services Network (Formally Great Lakes Society (GLS)

“The Specialized Clinical DS Network advocates on behalf of those with IDD, ensuring
equity in access to healthcare services.”

Members are leaders in Clinical and Specialized Developmental Services.

The members meetings are held 4-6 times per year.

Standing Sub-Committees:
Conference, Executive

Jennifer Shaw, OADD Administration

Community Networks of Specialized Care – Ontario (CNSC – O)

We make a positive difference for people in our communities with developmental disabilities and high support and complex care needs (HSCCN) who need timely access to effective services.

CNSC – O’s membership is comprised of the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Directors or Directors of the 8 accountable agencies representing the CNSO – O across the province. These 8 agencies include CLH Developmental Support Services, Ongwanada, Valor & Solutions, Bethesda, Surrey Place, Central West Specialized Developmental Services, Regional Support Associates and Hands Family Network.

The members meetings are held quarterly.

Standing Sub-Committees:
CNSC Managers Committee

Jeanny Scantlebury or Renu Persaud

Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities (OADD)

We promote and support knowledge exchange and influence evolution in the field of developmental disabilities.

OADD is a professional organization of people working and studying in the field of developmental disabilities, throughout Ontario. OADD’s members include agencies and organizations; university and community college students and instructors; service provider direct care staff and managers; family support workers; case managers; psychologists; social workers; and other dedicated individuals.

The volunteer OADD Board meets 6 times per year; members meetings are held annually.

Standing Sub-Committees:
Conference Committee, Publications Committee

Jennifer Shaw, OADD Administration

DSO Provincial Network (DSOPN)

We come together on issues of common interest and strategic importance that will positively impact the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families.

The DSOPN provides a forum for the nine regional Developmental Services Ontario to come together on issues of common interest. DSOPN’s members include Senior Leaders from each of the nine DSOs.

The Senior Leaders meetings are held monthly.

Standing Sub-Committees:
Information Management Committee, Best Practices Committee, Assessor Supervisor Committee

Kim Thorn, Chair

Toronto Developmental Services Alliance (TDSA)

We provide a wide range of residential and specialized community-based programs and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities.

The TDSA is a network of not-for-profit organizations and agencies that provide residential and specialized community-based programs and supports. TDSA’s members collectively share information and their limited resources to address common issues, develop, and share innovative best practices, and respond to the emerging needs and interests of people with developmental disabilities and their families.

The Senior Leaders meetings are held monthly.

Standing Sub-Committees:
Housing Committee, HR Committee.

David Funston, Chair

Faith and Culture Inclusion Networks (FCIN)

We represent diverse faiths and cultures, who share a set of common values and beliefs about diversity and who wish to co-operate in promoting and supporting those values within the developmental services sector.

FCIN is an informal partnership of organizations and individuals that represent diverse faiths and cultures. FCIN’s membership includes Faith and Culture organizations that best reflect the Mandate and Principles of the FCIN and provide support to individuals are who developmentally challenged and their families.

The committee meetings are held quarterly.

Standing Sub-Committees:
There are no sub-committees at this time.

Don Walker, Mary Centre ED

Karis Disability Services ( formally Christian Horizons)

We represent diverse faiths and cultures, who share a set of common values and beliefs about diversity and who wish to co-operate in promoting and supporting those values within the developmental services sector.

As a non-profit, developmental services organization, Karis  helps people experiencing disabilities accomplish their goals and thrive in communities where their God-given gifts are valued and respected.

The committee meetings are held quarterly.

Standing Sub-Committees:
There are no sub-committees at this time.